Saturday, January 26, 2019

What is Jenkins for Continuous Integration?

Here In this tutorial, we will learn What is Jenkins and How to Perform Continuous Integration with it.

What is Jenkins:-

It is a powerful application that allows continuous integration and continuous delivery of projects.

Jenkins will be installed on a server where the central build will take place.

Along with Jenkins, one might also see the associate of Hudson.


What is Continuous Integration:-

When developers, developed the code so they require to integrate the code into a shared repository at regular intervals. The concept of integrating the code in regular intervals to remove the problem of finding the later occurrence of the issue in the build lifecycle is called continuous integration.


Key Points:

Since after every commit to the source code an auto build is triggered and then it is automatically deployed on the test server.

If the test results show that there is a bug in the code then the developers only have to check the last commit made to the source code.

This also increases the frequency of new software releases.

The concerned teams are always provided with relevant feedback.

                                                                                Installation of Jenkins...

Sunday, December 9, 2018

TestNG Parameterization Using DataProviders

It is a TestNG annotation which is used to parameterize the test cases.

There are two ways to parameterize the test cases in TestNG.

1. Using testing.xml
2. Using DataProvider

 Here we will discuss how to parameterize the test cases using dataprovider.

   In TestNG, DataProvider is a method annotated by @DataProvider annotation.
   DataProvider returns 2D (two dimensional) array of objects.

Test Cases Parameterization:-
      To parameterize the test cases, the user needs to follow the below mentioned steps:-

      1. Create the dataprovider method with @Dataprovider annotations.(Methods returns      type must be 2D arrays).
      2. Declare the DataProvider name after the @Test annotation like i.e

        @Test (dataProvider=”dataprovider method name”) 

     3Pass the arguments in the test method, what you want to use from the dataprovider.

Below is the code of DataProvider:-

package seleniumPkg;

import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class DataProvidersTest {
            public void loginTest(String username,String pwd)
            public Object [][] getData()
                        Object[][] dataSet = new Object[4][2];
                        dataSet[0][0] = "John";
                        dataSet[0][1] = "John123";
                        dataSet[1][0] = "Ashish";
                        dataSet[1][1] = "Ashish123";
                        dataSet[2][0] = "Emiy";
                        dataSet[2][1] = "Emiy123";
                        dataSet[3][0] = "Alex";
                        dataSet[3][1] = "Alex123";
                        return dataSet;


Monday, November 26, 2018

Heaptrace Real Time Manual Testing Interview Questions

  1. Introduce yourself?
  2. What is defect life cycle and draw the defect life cycle.
  3. What is priority and severity with example?
  4. What is sanity testing?
  5. What is smoke testing?
  6. What is regression testing?
  7. What is unit testing and who is responsible for this?
  8. What is Oops concept and explain each one?
  9. Difference between abstraction and encapsulation with examples?
  10. What is abstract class and interface?
  11. How many table require for join?
  12. What is collection?
  13. What is HashMap?
  14. Difference between monkey testing and ad-hoc testing?
  15. How to join a single table?
  16. Arrange the below testing type, the order in which you have performed (smoke, sanity,regression,adhoc and monkey testing). 

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Benchmark IT Real Time Manual Testing Interview Questions for Freshers

1.    Introduce yourself.
2.    What are priority and severity?
3.    Give one example of high priority and low severity?
4.    What is defect life cycle and also explain its stages?
5.    What is the mean of deferred status and why?
6.    Drawbacks of white box testing?
7.    What is static testing?
8.    What are the black box and white box testing?
9.    What is Oops concept?

Mobisoft Infotech Real Time Manual Testing Interview Questions for Freshers

  1.    Introduce yourself?
  2.    Why software testing is required?
  3.    What is the Test Plan?
  4.    What is pre-condition for each test cases for a particular project?
  5.    What are the drawbacks when the developer has done the testing?
  6.    What are the skills required for the tester?
  7.    Write the test cases of the telephone.
  8.    What is load testing?  
  9.    What is performance testing?
 10.  Tester's mind should be constructive and destructive?