Sunday, January 21, 2018

Selenium WebDriver Commands

Selenium Commands:-

1. Command to Open URL:

2. Command to get current page URL:


      This commands is use to get the current page Url. If I write:
String curr_url=driver.getCurrentUrl();

Then in curr_url string store current page URL.

3. Command to get pagesource:

     String pagesrc=driver.getPageSource();
     In string pagesrc, pagesource of the current accessing page will be store.
4. Command to Click on the WebElement:


5. Command to get text from text field or any other webelements like dropdown etc.

     String txt=driver.findElement("id of text field")).getText();
     String dropdown=driver.findElement(By.tagName("select")).getText();
6. Command to enter text in text field:

     driver.findElement("id of text field")).sendKeys("Hello World");
7. Command to get page title:

      String pagetitle=driver.getTitle();
8. Command to navigate to URL:
driver.navigate().to(""); // Navigate to given url
driver.navigate().back();                  // Navigate to page in back direction
driver.navigate().forward();               // Navigate to page in forward direction

9. Command to apply implicit wait:

        This command is wait till 10 seconds, if web element is not found on the page.
10. Command to apply Explicit wait:

        WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);

                                                                                         Selenium Commands Part-2

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