Thursday, November 2, 2017

What is Abstract Class ?

  • Abstract is a keyword that is use with class and method. In abstract class we can define both abstract and concrete method.
  • If a class contains any abstract method then class must be abstract.
  • If a class contains any abstract method then we have to implement it in the subclass.
  • Object of abstract class can't be created.
  • To create the object of abstract class, programmer should make use of concrete class. A class which provides implementation to all the abstract method which are present inside abstract class with the help of extends keyword is known as concrete class.



             public abstract class I20
               abstract void Wheels();
               abstract void Sunroof();
            public class Asta extends I20{
            void Wheels()
           System.out.println("Wheels: Alloyed wheels" );
          void Sunroof()
           System.out.prinln("SunRoof: Not Available");
          public class Showroom
          public static void main (String args[]){
          I20 i = new Asta();

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